Real: ****** *******
AKA: Dew Berry
Born: 4 July, Cebu
Location: Los Baños, Laguna
Hobbies: drawing, reading, online socializing, taking photos, cooking (just a few choices), and singing Avril's songs
Trivia: loves the sound of thunder...so much
Hi there! Thanks for dropping by. As you may notice, I have no particular topic common in all my blogs. It's 'anything goes'. I talk of things often largely different from one another. Perhaps, that's how randomly things go. At least for me.
I'm a DevCom or Journalism (if you prefer so) student, yes. Default is, I'd prefer technical writing. But as you may notice, I'm more into stylistics here. There's no deep reason for that. It's as plain as the fact that I can express myself more with art, and a bit more of it.